On Motion

Admission On Motion by qualified out-of-state attorneys is governed by Rule 203.2 (See “Rules for Admission” below.) An Applicant under this Rule must have been admitted to practice law in another jurisdiction of the United States through examination, hold a J.D. from an ABA-accredited law school, and have been engaged in the authorized, active practice of law for at least three of the last five years immediately preceding the date of application (36 months of the previous 60 months) in another U.S. jurisdiction.

Further, the Applicant must currently be in good standing in all jurisdictions where admitted and not currently subject to attorney discipline or the subject of a pending disciplinary matter in any jurisdiction, as well as be current with all CLE requirements. Please see Rule 206 in the “Rules of Admission” below regarding the procedure for requesting a waiver of any admission eligibility requirement and contact us at bleinfo@csc.state.co.us if you have any questions.

Moving to Colorado prior to admission? Please see the Practice Pending Admission Rule below and related application (Rule 205.6 in the “Rules of Admission”). You may use copies the Certificates of Good Standing submitted with your On Motion application in support of your application for Practice Pending Admission; the applications may be filed simultaneously. Please note that the Practice Pending Admission application is filed with the Office of Attorney Registration, but review will be conducted in coordination with the Admissions Office.