Administrative Records Request

With certain exceptions, Public Access to Information and Records Rule 2 (P.A.I.R.R.2) provides for the disclosure of administrative records maintained by the agencies and offices that comprise the Colorado State Judicial Branch. Administrative records are generally defined as records maintained for the purpose of managing the business or performing the duties of the Judicial Branch and that are not court records as defined by P.A.I.R.R.2. The availability of court records is governed by P.A.I.R.R.2. Exceptions to the availability of administrative records are set forth in P.A.I.R.R.2 and in the Rules of Civil Procedure applicable to the Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel.

Requests for administrative records should be directed to Attorney Regulation Counsel or his designee, consistent with the Policies and Procedures for Public Access to Administrative Records adopted by the Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel.

Attorney Regulation Counsel Policies and Procedures

Public Access to Information and Records Rule 2


Request Form