Provider FAQs

What is needed for an activity to qualify for EDI credit?

Under Regulation 103.1(1)(a)(iii)(3), to qualify for EDI credit, an activity must address issues within the practice of law and in the legal profession and must address at least one of the following three topics:

  • equal access to the legal system;
  • competent representation of diverse populations;
  • the recognition, mitigation, or elimination of bias in the legal profession or the legal system.

By way of example, the following topics likely would qualify for EDI credit:

  • The role of attorneys in reducing barriers to accessing justice that are experienced by low income populations and/or people of color.
  • How to improve one’s competence in representing clients from cultural backgrounds different than your own and/or who primarily speak languages different than your own.
  • Recognizing and mitigating the adverse effects of one’s own unconscious biases in working with or against lawyers from backgrounds different than your own.

By way of example, the following topics likely would NOT qualify for EDI credit, though they could qualify for general credit if they meet the requirements of Regulation 103 and 103.1(1):

  • Whether racial bias is contributing to state changes in election/voting policies.
  • How to improve equitable access to schools by diverse populations.
  • Best practices in litigation involving employment discrimination claims.