Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel
An Independent Office of the Colorado Supreme Court
Promoting Professionalism. Protecting the Public.
Home > Admissions Information > Information for Unsuccessful Colorado LLP Examinees
The “Notice of Colorado LLP Exam Results” shows your scores for the Family Law Multiple Choice (50% of total score), Ethics Multiple Choice (25% of total score), and each Family Law Essay (combined 25% of total score).
Your results notice will be uploaded to your Citrix ShareFile™ folder.
Copies of a candidate’s exam essay answers are available only to unsuccessful candidates. Please allow approximately 10 business days from the date your results notice to view these materials. You will receive an email notice when these documents become available in your ShareFile™ application folder. Graders’ notes are not available at any time.
Please download and save your answers as the office does not retain copies for more than 60 days. Review the materials immediately to ensure that all of your answers have been uploaded. Missing pages should be reported by sending an email to Allow approximately 10 business days for a response.
Essay Questions and Summary Answers for each LLP exam administration will be posted to our website here approximately 10 days following release of exam results.
Those wanting to apply for the next LLP exam immediately subsequent to the LLP exam in which they did not receive a passing score are considered to be Re-Applicants and need to submit a Re-Application. Withdrawn applications from a previous exam are NOT considered to be Re-Applications.
Re-Applications have a reduced filing fee of $410, in lieu of the full $710 exam application fee. Again, to be eligible for the reduced fee, you must have been unsuccessful on the most recent LLP exam administered in Colorado. You will not receive a reduced fee if you do not apply for the subsequent bar exam – i.e., skipping an exam administration. Please review your Results Notice for the reapplication submission link and filing deadlines for the next LLP exam. Note that if the reapplication submission is after the first deadline, a late fee of $200 will apply making the reapplication fee $610.
For LLP exam filing dates, click here.
COLAP: The Colorado Lawyer Assistance Program, a free and confidential resource, is available to help you process the news, explore your options, and get back on track for the next LLP exam. Contact COLAP at 303-986-3345 and/or visit their website at: