Reporting Changes to Application

Amending Your Application: Your application to practice law in Colorado is a continuing application and any changes to the information provided in your original application must be reported in writing within ten (10) days of occurrence using a signed and dated Application Amendment Form.

Refer to the question number for which the change applies and provide all details relative to that question. You can access your completed application from your Candidate Home Page where it says, “Click here to VIEW your application.” If you are amending or supplementing information relative to a question that calls for submission of a form associated with that question, submit the completed form (click “Add another doc of this type” in the “Documents Required” section of your application or you may have to request that your Licensure Analyst add a form place holder for you) and any documentation along with your amendment. You must continue to update your application until you are admitted to practice law in Colorado. Be certain to make copies of all changes and supporting documents prior to uploading them to your application.

Application Amendment Form: You can find the Application Amendment Form on your Candidate Home Page where it says, “Click here to AMEND your application.” You will then need to go to the “Documents Required” section of your application, click on the “Doc Info” button and download the form.

The Application Amendment Form requires: Your name, NCBE number, the question number being amended, your signature (electronic signature is permitted), the date and a detailed explanation of the information you are amending; ex: a detailed explanation of a new character and fitness issue and/or all the information requested for a particular Question 1-21. Upload a separate Application Amendment Form for each question you are amending.

a. Submit a separate Application Amendment Form for each question and subject.

b. Upload each amendment in the Application Amendment place holder created in the “Documents Required” section of your application. Upload any required form into the form place holder and documentation into the documentation place holder.

c. Title each amendment as follows: Amendment to Question # (if applicable) – Subject

Example 1: Amendment to Q1 – Admission
Example 2: Update to Q8 – Employment
Example 3: Correction to Q 9 – References

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